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Waitangi Mountain Bike Park Update

Writer: Lara ThorneLara Thorne

Project Drivers Robin and Tiffany Holland

Focus Paihia Community Charitable Trust is establishing a non-commercial community mountain bike park in the Waitangi Endowment Forest. This will provide a world class mountain bike facility, which embraces and celebrates the cultural heritage of the area and provides a land based healthy activity for people of all ages.


It has been said before… we are close to completion. To form part of this Agreement is an Assessment of Environmental Effects. This is extremely important information and a document that is a considerable task to complete. Focus Paihia is very fortunate to have JEFF KEMP, BAY OF ISLANDS PLANNING on board, who has agreed to compile the document free of charge. A huge thank you to Jeff! Another step closer. Also an Authority Application to Heritage New Zealand (for one of the recently marked out trails) was required. It has been completed and will be submitted this week. Another step closer.

We are delighted to announce some new additions to the WAITANGI MOUNTAIN BIKE PARK TEAM. Long time locals ROGER DOLD and CHRIS WILLIAMS are now actively involved with the project, providing a wealth of business acumen, experience and expertise. Roger, supported by Chris, is currently helping to prodevelop funding strategies and their time and efforts are greatly appreciated!

Although a familiar face at Focus Paihia working bees, many will know ROGER DOLD from the days when he owned FULLERS. And/or as the father of four children, who all grew up in Paihia and went to Kerikeri High School. Significantly, together with Mike Simm and Chris Jacobs, in 1989 he bought Fullers out of receivership. Some 15 years later, after winning the Supreme Tourism Award for New Zealand in 2000, Roger sold Fullers in 2004. He continues to have similar businesses in Fiji and Whitsundays which means he is regularly travelling. Roger is hoping to spend more time in Paihia and would love to put something back into the community that has given him and his family so much – this being a key factor in his decision to join the WMTB Park team.

CHRIS WILLIAMS arrived in the Bay in 1985 having held senior finance positions overseas. He and his family (wife Jan and daughter Clare) owned TIDES RESTAURANT for over 20 years. After they sold the restaurant Chris worked in the finance department of FNDC until his retirement earlier this year. He has been involved in a variety of community projects over the years including the BOI Wine & Food Festival and is also a member of Rotary BOI. Chris says he is currently testing the patience of the Bridge Club by attempting to learn the game.


The Waitangi Mountain Bike Park project (under FOCUS PAIHIA’s umbrella) is one of the recipients of the inaugural FAR NORTH DISTRICT COUNCIL ‘COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE FUND – DISTRICT’ SCHEME. The goal of the fund is to further promote and develop cultural, sport or recreation opportunities which fulfill a demonstrated community need and which benefit a significant sector of the community. The Waitangi Mountain Bike Project has been awarded a substantial grant of $70,000 and it is magnificent that FNDC< are getting behind this project, being one of the initial funders. We confidently move forward knowing we have the support of our Council. THANK YOU, THANK YOU FNDC! (NB. FNDC are currently consulting on a proposal to temporarily reduce the Community Assistance Fund in 215/16 to free up money for core infrastructure renewals. More information about this is on pages 40-42 of the LONG TERM PLAN consultation document. Remember the closing date for submissions is 23 April.)

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